Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Learning By Teaching

The basis of my barefoot massage career of course started with my Ashiatsu training in 2002. I needed to do this massage, had to do it right. My career hinged upon my skill, for I had already discovered that my wrists and hands wouldn't last forever.
"Practice makes perfect," that's what everyone says. So I took all of my practice clients evaluations to heart, fixed everything they said needed to be improved upon. I wanted the clients to get the best massage they could. And I continued to perfect my skills.
And what I've discovered in the past 8 years of teaching that really what has made me good is actually more the result of my teaching, and what my students have taught me (perhaps many of them unwittingly).
Oh, man, are MY feet that rough? Eww, note to self: don't step in between the client's legs! Oh my gosh, are MY feet cold like that? Does the table shift when I walk?
And often, observing in amazement the grace and skill of a therapist when she "gets" the massage. Do I walk so elegantly on the table? Are MY strokes gentle, smooth, precise and such a deliciously slow pace?
Perhaps with every class I've taught, I've also learned. Sometimes more subtle things, like how to approach a client / student who is crying (remembering how I cried out of frustration in class). Or how patience sometimes makes all the difference when I think really what I need is a drink wow, she must be exhausted--she's NOT getting it.
About a year ago, after doing barefoot massage for about 10 years, I finally admitted (shhh...outloud, even) that I'm pretty good at Ashiatsu. My clients have been giving rave reviews for years, but I've always thought how can I be better?
No matter how long we practice Ashiatsu, we can improve. Which takes me to my keen obervation of the skills of the others who teach this barefoot modality.
I am not kidding you when I tell you that these instructors at the Center for Barefoot Massage ROCK. They are AMAZING. Their skills as barefoot therapists are a blessing to watch, to recieve, to learn from. One was my student, others I met in their path to becoming instuctors. I've received barefoot massage from some of them, and I've watched others. One was a dancer in a previous life, another a crossfit athlete.
Our histories are very different yet our passion intertwines. I can honestly say that I hope to be as amazing as all of these women are one day. And if you want to learn some barefoot massage skills, schedule an appointment with one of them. Pay attention, though...

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