Monday, December 31, 2012

Best Bang for your "Barefoot" Buck

 I love watching an HGTV show "Best Bang for your Buck" where there are 3 home owners doing renovations and after the renovation, experts determine the value of each home, dramatically revealing whose remodeling choices were good investment decisions.  As massage therapists in today’s difficult economy, we are all looking for required CE courses that will give us the best bang for our hard earned buck!  Just this year, I scrambled at the last minute to find a few more CEs to fulfill my state licensure requirement. Not caring what it was really, I found one online for a whopping $65, reviewing the anatomy of the SI joint.  My basic requirement was that it was cheap.  That works for me sometimes. 
As an Ashiatsu instructor I find most of my students do not just stumble upon our class but come specifically to learn barefoot massage.  Being that our course is 24 hours, 3 days and costs $670, it tends to weed out the casual massage therapists just looking for quick, cheap and easy CE classes.
 Sometimes cheap and easy is not always the way to go.  Our course is not short, nor is it easy and it is definitely not cheap but long after the last day of class is over, your $670 investment is still increasing in value.  Sometimes you get what you pay for and just sometimes you get more.  That’s a lot of bang!

Julie H. Marciniak, LMBT #2153 
Ashiatsu Instructor and Certified Rolfer 
1921 North Pointe Drive Suite 400
Durham, NC  27705 
(919)215-8743 (cell)

Saturday, December 15, 2012

ChicagoLand Barefoot Basics

Lookout MidWest!  7 great new ashiatsu therapists coming on to the scene...we had an awesome class last weekend learning at the Beginner ashiatsu class (and having a few laughs and a ton of fun to boot)!
I'm looking forward to hearing many success stories from this group on how ashiatsu is helping to extend their careers, save their hands, and of course - how their clients LOVE it!
-Cindy Iwlew
Michigan Ashiatsu Instructor

Sunday, December 2, 2012

November Beginner & Intermediate Ashiatsu class in San Antonio!

Congrats to our latest graduates and members of the Ashiatsu family!
Karin from Redway, California
Anne from Austin, Texas
Sisters Nadya & Tanya from Lewistown, Pennsylvania
Christine from Hummelstown, Pennsylvania
 Shari from College Station, Texas
Nikki from Chesterfield Missouri

If you are interested in learning Ashiatsu, you can see our national schedule at, and for Texas specifically, check out the schedule below:

2013 Classes in Texas

Jeni Spring has been the Ashiatsu instructor for Texas since 2008,  and is the owner of Heeling Sole Barefoot Massage in San Antonio, Texas.
 ~Jeni Spring, LMT, MTI