Wednesday, October 27, 2010

The Hardee-Ashiatsu Portable Bar System

How to set up the portable bars in 15 minutes or less! A fun & quick 4 minute video brought to you all the way from Germany! Frequently asked questions answered!

Posted via email from Deep Foot Notes

Refresher courses

Keep your eyes on the national schedule page found here, because AOBT refresher courses might be popping up near you soon! 

Refresher classes are short, sweet, and specific, catered to existing AOBT graduates. They are easier to plan your busy schedules around and packed with information. Engage in a group discussion about contraindications, Ashi-after care, and issues that have come up in your Ashiatsu practice so far. Receive Ashiatsu strokes from your instructor to remember what this work is supposed to feel like and how to protect yourself from harmful barefoot body mechanics. After all, saving your body was one of the main reasons you came to us in the first place right? 

Your local instructor will demonstrate the strokes you already know, and re-evaluate your application and body mechanics while you practice together. You won't believe the small details and moves that you've completely forgotten...even with a high level review DVD.  No new strokes will be taught, although you might learn a modification to what you've been doing so far. 

Use this tutor session with your instructor to better understand the details of all things Ashiatsu, and leave with some expert advice! Class price, time length, and availability may vary by instructor - some classes may be limited to subject (For example: Barefoot Basics review, Anterior/Sidelying Review, Ashi-Thai Review, DF2 Advanced Review) Please contact the instructor offering the refresher course for more information.

Posted via email from Deep Foot Notes

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Ashiatsu in Germany!

Hello world! Say hi to Petra, Sabine and Miss Dawn, our Ashi-team from Weisbaden Germany! Dawn was our super fantastic awesome host and assistant instructor who's an Advanced Ashi and Ashi-Thai trained graduate, Petra and Sabine are the dynamic Deutchland duo who just graduated from the first European Barefoot Basics class today :) 

(I'm having a blast in Europe btw!!!)

Posted via email from Deep Foot Notes